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A Legacy Of Service In Minnesota

Cally Kjellberg-Nelson receives the MDLA’s Deb Oberlander Award

On Behalf of | Aug 27, 2017 | Firm News |

Cally Kjellberg Nelson

Quinlivan & Hughes’ attorney Cally Kjellberg-Nelson is the recipient of the 2013 Deb Oberlander Award from the Minnesota Defense Lawyers Association (MDLA). The award, created in memory of MDLA’s former executive director who passed away in 2008, recognizes the professionalism, service, and contribution to excellence in the practice of law by a new lawyer. Cally served as the Vice Co-Chair of the MDLA’s New Defense Lawyers Group (2011-2012) and Co-Chair (2012-2013). Cally has also been involved with the Mid-Winter Conference Planning Committee (2012 and 2013), as well as with the Association’s 50th Anniversary Celebration held in conjunction with the Trial Techniques Seminar and the Trial Academy Planning Committee (2013). Cally is published in Minnesota Defense Magazine, “Laches, A Defense That Is Alive and Well in Minnesota”, Minnesota Defense Magazine | Spring 2010, and recently presented at the 2013 MDLA Trial Techniques Seminar on the recently amended Rules of Civil Procedure.

In addition to her MDLA activities, Cally has also been active in the Stearns/Benton Bar Association, the Seventh District Bar Association, and the Minnesota State Bar Association. She also serves as the Central Chapter Liaison to the Minnesota Women Lawyers Association (2012-2014).

We congratulate Cally on this well-deserved honor!