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A Legacy Of Service In Minnesota

Quinlivan & Hughes, P.A is Proud to Announce the Election of Dyan Ebert as MDLA President

On Behalf of | Aug 9, 2014 | Firm News |

Dyan Ebert

Shareholder Dyan J. Ebert was elected President of the Minnesota Defense Lawyers Association (“MDLA”) at its annual meeting held in conjunction with the Association’s Trial Techniques Seminar on August 15, 2014. The MDLA has over 750 members and is dedicated to serving the needs of lawyers engaged primarily in the defense and trial of civil disputes. In addition to becoming the MDLA President, Dyan also holds leadership positions in the Association of Defense Trial Attorneys, the Minnesota State Bar Association, and the Seventh District Bar Association. Dyan’s practice is focused on employment and governmental liability, insurance coverage and general casualty law.

Quinlivan & Hughes, P.A. has a long history with the MDLA. Richard Quinlivan was a co-founder and first President of the Association (1974-75). Firm members Michael J. Ford (1992-93) and Steven S. Schwegman (2004-05) have also served as MDLA Presidents.